Education / Activities
Lawyer with Willimann & Donghi Attorneys at Law (since September 2017)
Substitute judge at the District Court of Uster (since 2019)
Chairwoman of the Arbitration Board in Tenancy and Lease Matters of the District of Uster (2015 - 2017)
Clerk at the District Court of Uster (2014 - 2017)
Auditor at the District Court of Uster (2013 - 2014)
Master of Law, University of Zurich (2013)
Bachelor of Law, University of Zurich (2011)
Matura at the Kantonsschule Wiedikon, Zurich (2005)
Preferred areas of activity
Advising and litigating in contract law (esp. tenancy, employment, contracts for work and services, purchase, contract and loan law), matrimonial and divorce law, family and inheritance law, debt collection and bankruptcy law, criminal law.
Zurich and Swiss Bar Association
Zurich Lawyers' Association
German, English